Thursday, February 21, 2013

Celiac Disease Update

 My "Silly-Ack Man" (as Jack would call it!)

I get a lot of people ask me how Max is doing with his Celiac Disease. I thought I would write to let everyone know. If this doesn't interest you, you may stop reading :)

It has been almost 2 1/2 years since Max was diagnosed. He was a tiny little man when we finally found out what was wrong. It was right after he turned 18 months old that we found out and he weighed in at a whopping 18lbs!!! It was getting a little scary. Being able to find out what was wrong was the best Christmas present we could have gotten. The doctor called us Christmas Eve at about 7pm (what a dedicated doctor!!) to let us know the results of his biospy.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't overwhelmed at first. My first time trying to make gluten free chocolate chip cookies was a disaster! The whole batch ended up in the garbage. I do not know what I did wrong but they were bitter and gross. That discouraged me naturally. It got worst when I took my first trip to the grocery store and realized 80% of what we bought had gluten in it and if I wanted a gluten free option it costs double, triple, or even four times as much as the regular stuff!!!
Well, gone our the days of discouragement. Now we only see Max's illness as a blessing. Seriously, I am so thankful my eyes have been open to the world of natural, great tasting food!!! It has changed the way our entire family eats. We don't really buy processed foods much anymore and we don't eat out nearly as often.
We eat more natural, whole grains, organic foods. I have even took it a step further and tried to reduced the toxins in our home that come through cleaners, soaps and other products. I have a lot of work to do to remove all of the junk that enters our home but we are well on our way! I feel like I am becoming a "Granola" as we put it but I love it!!
I actually have found the last few weeks when I eat the processed foods I am not used to I get really awful headaches and feel bogged down. This usually happens when we go out of town and visit family. I think I may start bringing some food from home. I feel so awesome and full of energy when we eat right ... imagine that! It is seems effortless at times to maintain a healthy weight.
Can you tell that the having my son get Celiac Disease has blessed our family? I would say so :)
Max is wonderfully happy and full of way to much energy so I would call him a healthy kid now! Now if I could quit buying candy that would put us in really good shape. Ha! That may never happen!


  1. Hey!
    I ran out of picture space on my blog too! I'm a little late, but one thing that worked great for me was i just created a new e-mail address and then added that e-mail address as a blog author. Now, I just log in with that email on my blog....Does that make any sense? This way works good though too! ; )

  2. I was wondering and LOVED reading your update! Good to see you are taking it as a blessing!

  3. Thanks for the update! That does seem like a blessing for the whole family. Eating healthy really does make a huge difference. Glad he is doing so well!

  4. I love that little Silly-Ack boy so much! You are a great mom. Love you too.
