My parents were down my way for a swimmeet for my little sister so we joined them for an afternoon of swimming afterwards. My kids had so much fun, even Andie loved the pool and was giggling. I love my family so much! They are great to spend time with :) I think living farther away has made my heart grow even fonder of all of them. Families really are the greatest blessing.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
When the HUGE snow storm came it was definitely time to get outside and play!
There was so much snow!!! The kids loved it. There is a driveway to the side of our place that made the perfect hill. It was great!
Something so sweet about seeing all three of my babes stuffed in a sled having fun.
Jack's Checkup
I know Jack turned six years old TWO months ago but we just barely got him to the doctor for his yearly checkup.
Weight 44.9 lb (40%) - He feels HUGE when I pick him up
Height 44.88 (30%) - That one may be my fault! Sorry Jack!
Of course, that puts him at a healthy weight. Thank goodness! I don't want to worry about his diet!!
He also has 20/20 vision. Another blessing! I don't want to deal with glasses either.
Also, Jack lost his first tooth and was BEAMING from ear to ear. It was so cute! Aaron helped pull it out a little bit since it had been really lose for a while. In honor of Jack losing his tooth we had a movie night with popcorn while watching The Toothfairy 2. Ironically, Jack didn't like the movie and everyone else did so he spent about 30 minutes in the middle of the movie sitting on my bed reading his chapter books. He decided to come out again to watch it. Jack changed his mind and said he did like the movie. Strange child but cute.
LOVE you super boy genius!!!
Weight 44.9 lb (40%) - He feels HUGE when I pick him up
Height 44.88 (30%) - That one may be my fault! Sorry Jack!
Of course, that puts him at a healthy weight. Thank goodness! I don't want to worry about his diet!!
He also has 20/20 vision. Another blessing! I don't want to deal with glasses either.
Also, Jack lost his first tooth and was BEAMING from ear to ear. It was so cute! Aaron helped pull it out a little bit since it had been really lose for a while. In honor of Jack losing his tooth we had a movie night with popcorn while watching The Toothfairy 2. Ironically, Jack didn't like the movie and everyone else did so he spent about 30 minutes in the middle of the movie sitting on my bed reading his chapter books. He decided to come out again to watch it. Jack changed his mind and said he did like the movie. Strange child but cute.
Above is his envelope to give to the Toothfiary
Preschool Fieldtrip
Max had a fieldtrip for Preschool and we went to The Children's Museum. I loved it! I only got to take Max and Andie (Jack was at school). They had so much fun and we got a free pass to come back. I LOVE his preschool. I feel blessed to have heard about it thanks to my awesome neighbors!
Watch out! Max is getting to be friends with Obama :)
We play chess with Jack quite a bit at our house because he actually understands it! He reminds me what the players do :) When Max saw this big set we had to play. Somehow, every move he took killed one of my guys ... according to his rules of course.
My country girl :)
Andie at 15 months
What Andie is up to:
- Teething like a mad woman! She has gotten 5 teeth since her birthday!! (12 total now!)
- Weighs 21.38lb (24%) Height 31.89" (86%)
- Jabbers a lot. All of the sudden will say a word and do it perfectly. A little strange. I asked her one morning if she wanted Chex or Kix for breakfast? Clear as day she says "Chex". Wow, the "ch" sound and the "x"! I think she is holding out on me by not talking more. What a stinker!
- STUBBORN and impatient! Just like her mama :(
- Loves to put on boots (especially ones that are not hers). At least a few times a day she comes to me with different boots or shoes to put on her. If they are boots she gets them on herself, then usually finds a hat and some gloves. It's adorable and I am seeing the girly side come out. She is very concerned about what she is wearing lately. Andie still loves to wear necklaces also.
- Torments her brothers ... still. Ugh! I don't know if this will ever stop. They are so sweet to her and then she is so mean to them. I am sure the tables will turn in the future ;)
- Absolutely loves brushing her teeth and is always wanting her toothbrush when we go in the bathroom. This is a blessing to me since Max would scream every time for probably a year. He is great now though!
- Getting lots of hair. I thought I would hate having to do her hair but I am loving it. She will let me to which is even better! So fun :) It probably makes a difference that I don't have a houseful of girls.
- Loves to read books. Makes my heart so happy when they ENJOY reading or being read to.
- Needy, clingy, always wants to be holding my hand.
- Sleeps like a champ ... another blessing!
- She will say a prayer. I can't understand any of it of course. She folds her arms dips her head down a little and mumbles. Then laughs at herself after because she thinks she is so awesome.
- Unbelievably ticklish!
- Climbs everything ... therefore has hit her head way more times than I would like to admit from falling!
- Starting to play with dolls instead of just cars. I was wondering if having brothers would make her only into boyish toys because she would love to get the cars and make the "vroom" noise. Proved me wrong.
Okay, that is probably all I need to document as far as milestones and such. Only thing left to be said is I am in love with this little lady. She has stolen my heart!
A week ago she picked our her outfit. A tanktop and capris. Then she needed Max's coat a backpack and her sippy cup. Then she said, "Bye" and wanted me to open the front door. She makes me smile every day (And get mad but let's remember the silly times!)

She usually looks like this (but dressed) with boots on, ever since the boots came out for winter!
Sadly, this is how she looks at every meal. COVERED in her food and all down her clothes! She is still cute but she is the messiest kid I have had at my table. She refuses to wear bibs also, grrr.
Andie has a helmet fetish. She attached to this one at Ross (it's not cute) but it was only $4. Look at that smile, I had to get her a helmet right? She didn't have one yet so it worked out.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Smitten by my children!!!
Sometimes the random pictures are the best ones!!!
Bath tub pictures ... a classic. You have to have one :)
Andie sat in the window for 20 minutes watching Jack shovel. She seemed nice and cozy with her snacks!
I can't get enough of sweet little Max lately. He melts my heart and is her handsome or what? I find myself just staring at him sometimes because he is so gosh darn cute!!!!
Christmas Extravaganza!!!!
Christmas ... was fabulous!
This year for some reason was so much better than other Christmas's in the past. I was actually calm and didn't feel stressed with everything needing to be done. It was so great!!! If anyone really knows me, I am pretty much always stressed or anxious about something.
Here are some of the things we did this year ...
Christmas trees made out of Rice Krispies (Gluten Free of course) with a Rolo stuck to the bottom. These were so easy and cute. I think I will make them again next year.
Sugar cookie decorating with my parents and my little twin sisters ...
Andie = A MESS!!! Always lately :(
If you pull out a phone you get EVERYONE's attention.
We walked around Christmas Village in Ogden with the kids for FHE one night in December. They even had Santa there. Jack was really excited and we waited in line to see Santa for almost an hour ... in the COLD. I kind of wish he didn't want to see Santa but it was worth it once we got inside. Max wanted nothing to do with this. He couldn't even be near the building or he started crying!
Christmas at the Allreds. As always my kids had a blast at all the parties. The first was my parents and this year it became very apparant there are a lot more grand kids than last year! I blame Tessa adding four more kids!!!!
My Grandma Hrischi and myself :)
Awe ... what a good lookin' couple!
Here is a picture of the crowded living room ... BEFORE everyone came and sat down!!
Making my Grandma Rust make a funny face ... it only took about five attempts!
Mecham Christmas Party
The Nativity ...
Brighton and Andrew (Mary and Joseph)
+ Liam (as baby Jesus) - he was very cooperative little baby!!!
This picture with Uncle Sean, Andie, and Maggie (cousin) makes me smile :)
That scrunchy nose ... have you noticed Jack does that in EVERY picture now. Too funny!
Olivia played a Christmas song on her violin. She did such a great job!
Can you feel the excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Andie posing on the chairs ...
My heart is melting over how cute this picture below is. I just want to cuddle her!!
Andie ... trying out the boys new scooters. She demanded a turn.
Jack trying out my Jillian Michaels Wii workout. It was kind of a disappointing game :(
Christmas is getting to be more and more fun with our children as they get older!!! I hope you had a great Christmas and that you felt the joy of the season!!!
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